When we visualize our school a decade in the future, we picture a community that is integrally connected to New York City. Not only will students develop an understanding of the social, economic, cultural, innovative, and diplomatic world hub that is New York City, but they will also be able to take full advantage of the opportunities the City has to offer. We imagine the City having a profound impact on our students and our students having an impact on the City– through internships and mentorships, service learning, and social entrepreneurship.
We foresee a school where academic rigor and student learning are demonstrated in many ways - from a well-crafted essay and a deep Harkness conversation to an advanced math problem set, a robotics invention or a capstone project.
We envision a school where innovation and entrepreneurship are an essential part of a student’s experience, in middle and high school. By graduation, our students will be skilled innovators, fluent in the mindsets and competencies of dynamic problem solvers.
We imagine a school with a vibrant boarding program where students are offered unparalleled opportunities to grow, connect, and discover themselves.
This strategic vision allows us to make Masters more flexible and adaptable than ever and for our students to become the best versions of themselves. We believe the following four interconnected ambitious strategic priorities will help us usher in a new bold chapter for The Masters School.