The Theater program provides multiple entry points, allowing for diversity in backgrounds, interests and levels of experience. A three-level sequential acting track -- Acting I, Acting II and Advanced Acting and Introduction to Directing -- provides a pathway for you to develop and hone acting and directing skills while learning to interpret dramatic source material. Both courses and practical experience are offered in Technical Theater and Design.
Performance and technical theater opportunities are abundant. Each year we offer four department-produced productions, including dramas, comedies, student-directed one-act plays and a major musical theater production. Outspoken, our student-led spoken word group, offers original writing and performance opportunities. A 100-seat Experimental Theater in the Fonseca Center provides a state-of-the-art facility for classes, rehearsals and smaller productions. 

List of 3 items.

  • Upper School Courses

    • Theater Arts
    • Acting Fundamentals
    • Advanced Acting
    • Advanced Theater Project
    • Costume Design
    • Playwrighting
    • Theater Tech: Design Principles
    • Theater Tech: Live Production Practicum
  • Middle School Dramatic Arts

    All middle school students take a theater/movement class once per cycle. Dramatic arts are also integrated in interdisciplinary projects in other courses such as: the fifth grade opera project, the sixth grade Hudson River project, the seventh grade Ellis Island reenactment and the eighth grade constitutional convention simulation. In the fall season, Preludes, the middle school musical theater troupe is offered as a co-curricular. In addition, seventh and eighth graders have the opportunity to rehearse and perform in a winter musical production as a physical education option.
  • Student Performing Groups

    Outspoken is a creative performance group dedicated to the performance and appreciation of spoken word poetry. Ultimately, the group is dedicated to showcasing spoken-word poetry and to creating poetry together. The group will strive to build and maintain a strong spoken-word community. We will dazzle the public with our ability to string words together, to turn the stars of our compositions into a constellation of poetic light. Our mission is to be the North Star of poetry at Masters. 


List of 2 news stories.
