Helping Students Articulate Their Goals and Make Informed Choices

The college admission process is complex, exciting and ever-changing. Our team is made up of four college counselors who are experts in their field; they are dedicated to helping students navigate this process with the goal of receiving offers of acceptance to colleges or universities that will help them fulfill their academic and professional aspirations. We support students at every step of the college process. 
As committed advisors and advocates, our approach is highly personalized. We work closely with students to match them with institutions where they will flourish and be supported in achieving their goals. Our process prioritizes students’ educational, social, geographic, and financial needs, as well as their interests and skills. 
Every year, our team welcomes 100+ college representatives to campus. We have long-standing relationships with colleagues in college admissions across the country and the globe. Our college counselors promote the achievements and contributions of our students, ensuring that these representatives understand who Masters students are, their talents, and what sets them apart.

An Overview of Our Process

In tenth grade, students begin meeting with their college counselor. Throughout the year, we cultivate those relationships and examine students’ educational and professional goals. 
In eleventh grade, we work with students to develop their individual standardized testing plans, build criteria for college preferences, and guide them as they research which schools interest them. Throughout the year, we host roundtable discussions and presentations with experts and offer workshops on topics such as approaching the application, interviewing and resume building. 
Beginning in the summer prior to twelfth grade and continuing through the fall, we collaborate with students on every facet of their experience: writing essays, compiling supplements, crafting applications, and submitting materials.

Timeline by Grade

List of 4 items.

  • Grade 10

    • Begin meeting with college counselors
    • Introduction to practice standardized testing (PSAT and Pre-ACT)
      • Begin conversations about individualized standardized testing plan
      • Overview of the current undergraduate testing landscape
    • Plan individualized curriculum (forecasting upper school coursework)
  • Grade 11

    • Continue to build relationships with college counselors, exploring extra- and co-curricular offerings at Masters and beyond
    • Develop criteria for colleges, learn how to research schools, and what to look for during college campus visits
      • Basic priorities (size, location, type)
      • Family-specific guidance (financial details, talent-based pursuits, etc.)
    • Implement standardized testing plan (individualized by student)
    • Receive ongoing curriculum support (continuation of tenth grade planning)
    • Participate in spring workshops:
    1. Procedures: deadlines, components, and how counselors can support and guide students with their responsibilities
    2. Creation and overview of the common application and other methods of applying
    3. Activities list development: capitalizing on Masters’ offerings and highlighting contributions to the school community
    4. Essay writing development (purpose, audience, and best practices)
    5. Letters of recommendation (who to ask, how to ask, and when) and how colleges use the component in an application
  • Grade 12

    • Review all components of the application (application and essay review)
    • Structured timeline guidance for application submission
    • Submit supporting school documentation (transcripts, letters of recommendation, and school profile)
    • Navigate outcomes and make final decision for matriculation
  • Summer Between Grades 11 and 12

    • Continued support from counselors on application components
    • Continued development of school list
    • Develop and receive feedback on personal statement (essay) and supplemental essay (school-specific) question
    • The Class of 2021 celebrates after graduating from The Masters School

Meet Our Team

List of 5 members.

  • Photo of Adam Gimple

    Adam Gimple 

    Director of College Counseling
  • Photo of Karin Tucker

    Karin Tucker 

    Senior Associate Director of College Counseling
  • Photo of Lina Currie

    Lina Currie 

    College Counseling Office Manager
  • Photo of Julia Vilanova

    Julia Vilanova 

    Associate Director of College Counseling
  • Photo of Chris Weber

    Chris Weber 

    Associate Director of College Counseling

College Acceptances and Matriculation

Masters graduates enroll at a broad range of colleges and universities, including the most selective institutions in the nation and abroad. We take pride in the diversity of our students' matriculations, which include small liberal arts colleges, large public universities, conservatories, engineering schools, and research institutions. 

List of 1 items.