Choose From Nearly 150 Courses

Throughout your Upper School career, you’ll shape your education with complex courses that spark your interests. Whatever fascinates you—whether it’s world religions, writing short stories or environmental science, you’ll dig as deep as you like with nearly 150 courses to choose from.

Seeking the Challenge of College-Level Coursework

For those who seek the challenge of college-level coursework, we currently offer 14 Advanced Placement courses, in addition to our own college-level courses. Those enrolled in AP classes are required to take the College Board AP exam and are well-prepared to do so.

The right trajectory designed with your interests in mind will help you continue to open doors beyond Masters. The strength of our college outcomes is a testament to the talented students admitted, the outstanding education received at Masters and the unparalleled guidance the College Counseling Office provides from day one.

100% of the Class of 2024 was accepted to four-year colleges and universities.