Middle School’s Virtual Ocean Exploration Continues

Sharks, penguins and whales, oh my! During the week of May 11, middle school students in Dana McNamee’s science classes explored the fascinating world of ocean species with marine scientists.

The classes, led by scientists Daniel Badger and Kara Mahoney Robinson, included studying the behavior of penguins, participating in activities based on the work Robinson has done identifying endangered right whale populations, and viewing a dissection of a freshwater bony fish and a comparative dissection of a spiny dogfish.

The lessons tie into the students’ science curriculum on populations and ecosystems. McNamee explained that her class covers topics "that relate directly to the area in which we live, as well as more remote habitats on the planet.”

In addition to continuing their education on the subject, McNamee hopes that students can see that this “exotic science” is being done by “regular people.” “If they work hard and study, this could be them, too, someday!”

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